30 Natural Remedies for Tooth Infection (Fast Relief)

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Discover effective and affordable natural remedies for toothaches in our comprehensive guide. From cloves to peppermint tea bags, explore holistic solutions to alleviate dental pain and promote oral wellness at home.

Are you familiar with the throbbing discomfort of a toothache?

Nearly 90% of individuals have grappled with the relentless pain caused by dental issues like cavities, gum disease, or dental trauma.

But relief is within reach, and it doesn’t always require a trip to the dentist’s chair or over-the-counter medication.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of natural remedies for toothaches, exploring affordable, effective solutions that you can try at home.
From the soothing properties of cloves to the unexpected benefits of peppermint tea bags, get ready to discover a treasure trove of holistic approaches to alleviate dental pain and promote oral wellness.

Common causes of toothaches

Toothaches can stem from various underlying issues, ranging from dental decay and cavities to gum disease and dental trauma.

Tooth decay and cavities are common causes of toothaches, occurring when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that erode tooth enamel.
This erosion leads to the formation of cavities, which can expose the sensitive inner layers of the tooth, causing pain and discomfort, particularly when consuming hot, cold, or sugary foods and beverages.

Gum disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, can also lead to toothaches.
Gingivitis is characterized by inflammation of the gums, often accompanied by bleeding during brushing or flossing.
If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease where the gums pull away from the teeth, forming pockets that harbor bacteria and debris.
This bacterial infection can damage the supporting structures of the teeth, leading to gum recession, bone loss, and ultimately tooth loss.

Dental trauma, such as cracks, fractures, or injuries to the teeth or surrounding tissues, can result in acute or chronic toothaches.
Trauma to the teeth may occur due to accidents, sports injuries, or biting down on hard objects.
Even minor trauma can cause significant pain and sensitivity, requiring prompt dental evaluation and treatment to prevent further damage.

Dental abscesses are pus-filled infections that can develop in the tooth or the surrounding gum tissue.
They often result from untreated tooth decay, gum disease, or dental trauma.
Abscesses are characterized by severe, throbbing pain, swelling, redness, and fever.
Without prompt treatment, dental abscesses can lead to serious complications, including the spread of infection to other parts of the body.

Impacted teeth, such as wisdom teeth, can also cause toothaches.
Impaction occurs when a tooth fails to emerge fully through the gums, becoming trapped or wedged against neighboring teeth.
This can lead to pressure, pain, and inflammation in the affected area, often requiring extraction to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications.

Sinus infections, or sinusitis, can cause referred pain to the teeth and jaw.
When the sinuses become inflamed and congested due to infection or allergies, pressure can build up in the sinus cavities, leading to pain and discomfort that may be mistaken for a toothache.
Sinus-related toothaches typically involve the upper teeth and are often accompanied by other sinus symptoms, such as nasal congestion, headache, and facial tenderness.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can also contribute to toothaches.
The TMJ is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull, allowing for movements such as chewing and speaking.
TMJ disorders can cause pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint and surrounding muscles, leading to toothaches, jaw pain, facial discomfort, and difficulty opening or closing the mouth.
Stress, teeth grinding (bruxism), jaw clenching, and misaligned teeth or bite can all contribute to TMJ disorders.

Identifying the specific cause of a toothache is crucial for determining appropriate treatment and preventing further complications.
If you experience persistent or severe tooth pain, it is essential to consult with a dentist for a thorough evaluation and personalized treatment plan tailored to your needs.

home remedies for toothache

Natural remedies for infected tooth

  • Salt water for tooth pain

    Saltwater works as a natural remedy for toothaches by reducing inflammation and cleansing the affected area.
    It draws out excess fluid from swollen gums and tissues, reducing swelling, while its antiseptic properties help eliminate debris and bacteria.
    This dual action provides relief from discomfort and promotes oral hygiene, supporting the body’s natural healing process.

    – Mix 1/2 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water.
    – Swish the solution around your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.
    – Repeat several times daily as needed.

  • Hydrogen peroxyde toothache

    Hydrogen peroxide functions as an antiseptic agent for toothaches by releasing oxygen, creating an environment hostile to bacterial growth.
    Its oxygenating action effectively kills harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi in the oral cavity, reducing the risk of infection and promoting healing.
    Additionally, hydrogen peroxide helps cleanse the affected area, removing debris and food particles, and inhibits bacterial growth to maintain oral hygiene.

    – Dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts water.
    – Swish the solution around your mouth for about 30 seconds, then spit it out.
    – Use this rinse up to four times daily.

  • Cold compress

    A cold compress works by constricting blood vessels, which reduces blood flow and subsequently decreases inflammation and swelling in the affected area.
    Additionally, the cold temperature numbs the nerves around the toothache, providing immediate relief from pain.
    This dual action effectively soothes toothache discomfort and promotes comfort.

    – Wrap a few ice cubes or a cold pack in a thin cloth.
    – Apply the compress to the outside of your cheek near the painful tooth for 15-20 minutes at a time.
    – Repeat every few hours as needed.

  • Peppermint tea bag for toothache

    Peppermint’s menthol component not only numbs the nerves associated with toothache pain but also provides a cooling sensation that helps reduce inflammation and irritation, further enhancing its soothing effect on toothache discomfort.

    – Steep a peppermint tea bag in hot water for a few minutes.
    – Allow it to cool slightly, then place the warm tea bag directly onto the affected tooth for 15-20 minutes.
    – Repeat as necessary.

  • Garlic for tooth pain

    Garlic’s allicin compound actively disrupts bacterial growth and metabolism in the mouth, reducing inflammation and preventing oral infections that can lead to toothaches.
    This dual action not only provides immediate relief from discomfort but also supports long-term oral hygiene.

    – Crush a garlic clove to release its juices, then apply the crushed garlic directly to the painful tooth and surrounding gums.
    – Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with water.
    – Repeat a few times daily.

  • Vanilla extract for toothache

    Vanilla extract’s alcohol component acts as a natural anesthetic, temporarily numbing the nerves in the affected area, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.
    Additionally, the soothing aroma of vanilla promotes relaxation, helping individuals manage toothache discomfort more effectively until further dental treatment is sought.

    – Dip a cotton swab or a small piece of clean cloth into vanilla extract.
    – Apply it directly to the affected tooth and gums, then hold it in place for a few minutes.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Clove

    Clove’s potent eugenol compound not only numbs the nerves to alleviate toothache pain but also reduces inflammation in the gums and surrounding tissues.
    Additionally, its antiseptic properties contribute to overall oral health by combating oral bacteria.
    This multifaceted approach makes clove an effective and holistic remedy for toothaches.

    – Grind a few whole cloves into a powder, then mix it with a small amount of olive oil to make a paste.
    – Apply the paste to the painful tooth and gums, avoiding the tongue and other sensitive areas.
    – Leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing with water.
    – Repeat up to three times daily.

  • Guava leaves

    Guava leaves, rich in bioactive compounds like flavonoids and tannins, effectively alleviate toothache discomfort by reducing inflammation and fighting oral infections.
    Their dual action not only provides relief from pain but also promotes healing and supports long-term oral wellness.
    Incorporating guava leaves into oral hygiene practices offers a holistic approach to managing toothaches and maintaining a healthy mouth.

    – Chew on fresh guava leaves for a few minutes, then spit them out.
    – Alternatively, boil guava leaves in water to make a mouthwash.
    – Allow it to cool before using it to rinse your mouth several times a day.

  • Wheatgrass

    Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll, with antibacterial properties, reducing toothache discomfort.

    – Chew on fresh wheatgrass for a few minutes, then spit it out.
    – Alternatively, extract the juice and use it as a mouthwash for toothache.
    – Rinse your mouth thoroughly with the juice several times daily.

  • Thyme

    Thyme’s rich concentration of antimicrobial compounds, such as thymol and carvacrol, not only fights oral infections but also reduces inflammation, offering thorough relief from toothache discomfort.
    Its multifaceted approach addresses both the cause and symptoms of toothaches, making it a valuable addition to oral care routines for promoting lasting oral wellness.

    – Steep dried thyme leaves in hot water to make a strong tea.
    – Allow it to cool before using it as a mouthwash.
    – Swish the tea around your mouth for 30 seconds to a minute, then spit it out.
    – Repeat several times daily.

  • Toothache plant

    The toothache plant, scientifically known as Acmella oleracea spilanthoa, not only numbs the affected area to alleviate pain but also helps reduce underlying inflammation, providing comprehensive relief from toothache discomfort.
    Its dual-action approach makes it a valuable addition to oral care routines, offering both rapid relief and support for long-term oral health.

    – Crush fresh leaves to release their juices, then apply the juice to the painful tooth and gums.
    – Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with water.
    – Repeat as necessary.

  • Clove oil compress

    Clove oil, renowned for its eugenol content, not only numbs the affected area to alleviate pain but also reduces inflammation in the gums and surrounding tissues.
    Its multifaceted approach provides comprehensive relief from toothache discomfort while supporting overall oral health.

    – Dilute clove essential oil with a carrier oil and soak a cotton ball in it.
    – Place it onto the affected tooth for 15-20 minutes.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Apple cider vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar’s antibacterial properties, primarily due to acetic acid, not only combat oral bacteria but also help dissolve plaque and tartar buildup, providing comprehensive relief from toothache discomfort.
    Incorporating ACV into oral care routines offers a natural and effective solution for managing dental pain while promoting overall oral health.

    – Mix equal parts with water and use as a mouthwash.
    – Swish around your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out.
    – Use up to twice daily.

natural remedy for toothache

  • Turmeric

    Turmeric’s curcumin compound not only reduces inflammation and fights oral infections but also provides antioxidant protection for oral tissues.
    Its multifaceted benefits make turmeric a versatile and effective remedy for toothache discomfort, offering holistic support for oral health and healing.

    – Make a paste with water, apply directly to the affected tooth and gums, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
    – Repeat as necessary.

  • White willow bark

    White willow bark’s analgesic properties, akin to aspirin, not only alleviate toothache discomfort by blocking pain signals but also its anti-inflammatory effects reduce swelling and promote gum health.
    This natural remedy provides comprehensive relief, making it a valuable addition to oral care routines for managing dental pain.

    – Chew on white willow bark to release its juices
    – Alternatively, brew in hot water to make a tea.
    – Drink while warm.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Feverfew

    Feverfew, scientifically known as Tanacetum parthenium, and its active compound, parthenolide, not only blocks pain signals but also reduces inflammation in the gums and surrounding tissues.
    This dual-action approach makes feverfew an effective and holistic remedy for managing toothache discomfort, promoting healing, and supporting oral well-being.

    – Chew fresh leaves, or brew dried leaves in hot water to make a tea.
    – Drink while warm.
    – Repeat several times daily.

  • Baking Soda

    Baking soda’s alkaline nature helps neutralize acidity in the mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay by creating an inhospitable environment for bacteria.
    Its abrasive properties aid in plaque removal, while its antimicrobial effects help combat oral bacteria, promoting overall oral health when used as a part of oral hygiene routines.

    – Mix with water to form a paste, apply to the affected area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
    – Repeat once daily.

  • Cinnamon

    Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties, attributed to compounds such as cinnamaldehyde and eugenol, not only combat oral pathogens but also contribute to reducing plaque formation and promoting oral hygiene.
    Its natural efficacy makes cinnamon a flavorful and beneficial addition to oral care routines, ensuring comprehensive protection against dental issues and maintaining a healthy mouth.

    – Make a paste with water or honey, apply to the affected area, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.
    – Repeat as necessary.

  • Coconut oil

    Coconut oil’s versatile antimicrobial effects extend beyond bacteria, encompassing fungi and viruses, making it a potent ally for oral health.
    Its ability to form a protective barrier on teeth and gums, coupled with its soothing properties, provides holistic care for a healthy mouth.
    Incorporating coconut oil into oral hygiene routines offers not only effective bacterial control but also a natural and refreshing approach to oral care.

    – Swish around your mouth for 15-20 minutes, then spit out.
    – Alternatively, apply directly to the affected area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Cayenne pepper

    Cayenne pepper’s capsaicin not only numbs pain but also enhances blood circulation to the affected area, aiding in the healing process.
    Its ability to modulate neurotransmitters further contributes to its pain-relieving effects.
    When used responsibly, cayenne pepper provides a holistic approach to dental pain management, offering both temporary relief and potential therapeutic benefits.

    – Mix with water to form a paste, apply to the affected area, leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse.
    – Use sparingly due to its strong sensation.

  • Green tea

    Green tea contains antioxidants such as catechins and EGCG, which offer anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties beneficial for oral health.
    These antioxidants help reduce inflammation in the gums and oral tissues while combatting oral bacteria, supporting overall oral hygiene.
    Incorporating green tea into oral care routines can provide natural protection against dental infections and promote gum health.

    – Steep tea bags in hot water, allow to cool, then use as a mouthwash.
    – Swish around your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit out.
    – Repeat several times daily.

  • Honey

    Honey’s antibacterial properties and its ability to create an unfavorable environment for bacterial growth, its osmotic effect on bacterial cells, and the presence of unique antimicrobial compounds like MGO and bee-derived peptides, offer a comprehensive approach to oral hygiene.
    Incorporating honey into oral care not only helps combat oral bacteria but also supports overall oral health with its natural and versatile benefits.

    – Apply directly to the affected area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
    – Alternatively, mix with warm water to make a mouthwash.
    – Use up to twice daily.

  • Oregano oil

    Oregano oil contains carvacrol, which possesses potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties.
    These properties help reduce pain and inflammation associated with toothaches while addressing the underlying causes of dental discomfort.
    Incorporating oregano oil into oral care routines offers a natural and effective approach to managing toothache pain and promoting oral health.

    – Dilute with a carrier oil, apply to the affected area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
    – Repeat as necessary.

home remedies for dental pain

  • Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil’s potent antibacterial properties, attributed to its primary active compound terpinen-4-ol, make it effective against oral pathogens and beneficial for oral health.
    By disrupting bacterial cell membranes and inhibiting biofilm formation, tea tree oil helps prevent plaque buildup and supports gum health.
    Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects contribute to creating a less favorable environment for bacterial growth in the oral cavity.

    – Dilute with a carrier oil, apply to the affected area, leave for a few minutes, then rinse.
    – Use sparingly and avoid swallowing.

  • Echinacea

    Echinacea, derived from the purple coneflower plant, possesses antibacterial properties attributed to compounds like alkamides, polysaccharides, and flavonoids.
    These components help combat oral pathogens, prevent dental infections, and support gum health.
    Echinacea’s immune-boosting effects enhance the body’s ability to fight bacterial invaders, making it a valuable addition to oral care routines.

    – Brew in hot water to make a tea, then drink while warm.
    – Alternatively, use echinacea extract as directed.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Onions

    In addition to their antimicrobial properties, onions have been found to offer relief from dental pain due to their anti-inflammatory effects.
    Compounds like allicin and flavonoids help alleviate inflammation in the gums and oral tissues, providing a natural remedy for toothaches.
    Incorporating onions into oral care routines not only promotes oral hygiene but also helps manage dental discomfort, making them a valuable addition to home remedies for dental pain.

    – Chew raw onion or apply a small piece of raw onion directly to the affected tooth and gums, then leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with water.
    – Repeat as necessary.

  • Aloe Vera gel

    In addition to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, aloe vera gel’s ability to soothe oral tissues can provide further relief from dental pain.
    Its gentle yet effective nature makes it suitable for alleviating discomfort associated with gum inflammation, toothaches, and oral injuries.
    Incorporating aloe vera gel into oral care routines offers a natural and holistic approach to managing dental pain while promoting overall oral health and well-being.

    – Apply a small amount directly to the affected tooth and gums, then massage it gently into the area.
    – Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing with water.
    – Repeat as needed.

  • Ice press

    Applying a cold compress reduces blood flow to the affected area, numbing pain and reducing swelling.

    – Wrap a few ice cubes or a cold pack in a thin cloth.
    – Apply the compress to the outside of your cheek near the painful tooth for 15-20 minutes at a time.
    – Repeat every few hours as needed.

These remedies offer various approaches to alleviate toothache discomfort, targeting inflammation, bacteria, and pain receptors.
Remember to use them as directed and consult with a dentist if the pain persists or worsens.

Pressure point for toothache

Acupressure can provide pain relief and overall well-being by stimulating endorphin release.

You can target the following pressure point for toothache relief:

– Apply intense, circular pressure to the back of the ankle for two to three minutes.

toothache relief

– Exert intense pressure between the base of the thumb and the index finger of the hand for two to three minutes.

You will feel a painful impression at first, but insist until it is gone.

hand pressure point for toothache

Signs you should contact your dentist

If you experience persistent or worsening tooth pain, swelling, or sensitivity, it’s essential to contact your dentist promptly.

Similarly, if you notice any changes in your oral health, such as bleeding gums, loose teeth, or unusual growths or lesions in the mouth, it’s crucial to seek professional dental care.

Additionally, if you have dental restorations such as fillings, crowns, or bridges that become damaged or loose, contacting your dentist for evaluation and repair is necessary to prevent further complications.

Regular dental check-ups are also important for maintaining oral health and catching potential issues early.
If you’re unsure whether your symptoms warrant a dental visit, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist for guidance.

How to relieve a toothache fast?

Managing toothache discomfort naturally can be both effective and accessible.

By incorporating these holistic remedies into your oral care routine, you can find relief from dental pain while supporting overall oral health.

Remember to consult with a dentist for persistent or severe toothaches, and prioritize regular dental check-ups to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is the strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infection?

The strongest natural antibiotic for tooth infections is often considered to be garlic. Its active compound, allicin, exhibits potent antibacterial properties, which can help combat the bacteria causing the infection.

How to stop tooth nerve pain?

To stop tooth nerve pain, you can try applying a cold compress to the affected area, taking over-the-counter pain medication, or using clove oil, which contains eugenol, known for its numbing effect on nerves.

What to eat with a toothache?

When experiencing a toothache, it’s best to stick to soft, non-acidic foods that won’t aggravate the pain. Opt for options like mashed potatoes, yogurt, smoothies, or soup.

Heat or ice for toothache?

For toothaches, applying a cold compress is generally more effective than heat. Cold helps numb the area and reduce inflammation, providing relief from pain and swelling.

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Natural health is paramount to me, natural remedies have always been part of my life. Whatever the problem, I make sure to find natural solutions that can often be associated with traditional medicine. Everything I write here allows me to share them with you.

The content of this article is not intended to replace medical advice or any treatment.
Keep in mind that you should contact your doctor or any qualified healthcare professional to determine if you can add a supplement to your treatment or change your diet.

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