How to Get Rid of Pink Eye Fast at Home (Quick Relief)

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Waking up with eyes glued together? Dealing with that uncomfortable sensation of gritty, irritated eyes that turn red?

Conjunctivitis is more than just a minor annoyance—it’s a condition that demands swift action.

Thankfully, there are remedies and strategies to rapidly alleviate, restore balance, and halt its progression.

Discover all you need to know about conjunctivitis, including its types and treatments, right here.

How to get rid of pink eye fast at home? Discover effective ways to alleviate pink eye discomfort. Learn about causes, treatments, and natural remedies for healthier eyes.

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is the inflammation or infection of the transparent membrane, the conjunctiva, that lines the eyelid and safeguards the front of the eye from foreign elements and microorganisms.

The whites of the eyes become marked by dilated blood vessels, resulting in red or pink coloring.

Causes of eye conjunctivitis

Several factors can trigger conjunctivitis, which can be categorized into four distinct groups:

  • Viral conjunctivitis
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis
  • Allergic conjunctivitis
  • Nonallergic conjunctivitis

Swift relief for viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis, often stemming from adenovirus type 3, coxsackievirus, herpes simplex virus, shingles, or Molluscum virus, is linked to colds or upper respiratory infections.

It is highly contagious, spread through direct or indirect contact with eye fluids.

Swift action is crucial to limit its spread.

Artificial tears and antihistamine eye drops are recommended, along with cold compresses for comfort.

Combating bacterial pink eye

Bacterial conjunctivitis, commonly caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, or bacteria like Haemophilus influenza and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, can lead to redness, irritation, intense tearing, and pus discharge.

Antibiotic eye ointments and oral antibiotics are prescribed for effective treatment.

Allergy eyes vs pink eye

Allergic conjunctivitis, triggered by allergens from cosmetics or seasonal elements, results in redness, swelling, itching, and tearing.

Immediate hypersensitivity reactions occur due to histamine release.

Antihistamine medications, both oral and eye drops, are recommended for relief.

Nonallergic conjunctivitis unveiled

Nonallergic conjunctivitis can stem from mechanical eye irritation or chemical exposure.

Vigorous eye rubbing or exposure to irritants can lead to this type of conjunctivitis.

Recognizing conjunctivitis symptoms

Regardless of the type, conjunctivitis symptoms include marked redness, tearing, and the presence of discharge.

Viral conjunctivitis leads to injected white eyes, edema, and a gritty sensation.

Bacterial conjunctivitis presents with pus deposits and swollen eyelids, often starting in one eye before spreading.

Allergic conjunctivitis manifests as itching, tearing, and nasal congestion.

home remedies for watery eyes
                   Home remedies for red eyes

Diagnosing conjunctivitis

A comprehensive eye examination by an ophthalmologist helps identify conjunctivitis.

The inside of eyelids is examined for discharge, and visual acuity is assessed for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations.

How to get rid of pink eye fast at home: Effective conjunctivitis treatment

Swift and appropriate treatment is crucial for various conjunctivitis types:

  • Viral conjunctivitis

Artificial tears, antihistamine eye drops, and cold compresses provide rapid relief.

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis 

Antibiotic eye ointments and oral antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial attacks.

  • Allergic conjunctivitis

Anti-allergic eye drops and oral antihistamines address allergic symptoms.

Differential diagnosis for conjunctivitis

When managing conjunctivitis, the ophthalmologist may also investigate a hidden cause that may trigger the condition.

 He then looks for:

acute angle-closure glaucoma, increased pressure of fluids inside the eye
– anterior uveitis, inflammation of the iris
– tear duct obstruction
– blepharitis, inflammation of the edge of the eyelids
– corneal abrasion
keratitis, inflammation of the cornea
– uveitis, inflammation of the iris
– iritis, inflammation of the iris
– scleritis, inflammation of the sclera, the white layer covering the eye

The complexity of herpes in eyes

Herpes simplex virus-induced inflammation merits special attention due to its specific characteristics.

Affecting only one eye, it leads to redness and pus secretions.

Diagnosis can be challenging, and specific antiviral treatments are required, including antiviral ointments.

 Can conjunctivitis cause fever?

Only viral conjunctivitis is linked to upper respiratory infections and potential fever.

The rise in body temperature is due to the viral attack, not eye damage.

Preventing conjunctivitis complications

Neglected conjunctivitis can escalate and impact the cornea.

Bacterial conjunctivitis can result in corneal abscesses, while recurring bacterial chlamydial conjunctivitis can lead to trachoma and blindness.

All types of conjunctivitis can evolve into keratitis, emphasizing the importance of prompt care.

How to get rid of pink eye fast at home: Natural approaches to conjunctivitis relief

  • Rinsing with salt water

Physiological saline is ideal for complete eye washing.

It is all the more important when the infection has spread and affects visual comfort.

Apply a few drops of sterile saline solution (ad) between two prescribed eye drops helps your eyes regain health faster while providing relief.

  • Cornflower water

Cornflower water has very interesting decongestant properties to soothe reddened, irritated and swollen eyes.

It also has a very strong anti-inflammatory action, which makes it the ideal remedy for inflammation of the eyes.

Harmless to the eye, regularly apply compresses with cornflower floral water (ad) on the eyelids to benefit from all its virtues.

  • Hydrating gel

Carbomers are very effective in combating dry eyes.

They are more treating than simple artificial tears because their duration of action is longer due to their texture.

Apply a few drops of a carbomer gel (ad) regularly to rehydrate a watery eye is very indicated in cases of conjunctivitis.

  • Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver is unknown and yet its virtues are endless.

Both antibacterial, antibiotic and antifungal, it can also be deposited in the eye for its silver ions to relieve conjunctivitis.

A few drops of a 10ppm colloidal silver solution (ad) work wonders for the eyes, expert word!

  • Honey drops

The virtues of honey are also effective against conjunctivitis even if that seems surreal to you.

Boil a cup of mineral water, let cool, then add a teaspoon of honey.

Fill a dropper bottle with the liquid and instill one to two drops in each eye several times a day.

Can’t believe it?

You forget that honey is antibacterial and antiseptic.

You can also apply pure honey to the eyelid to relieve inflammation.

How to relieve eye strain

If your daily activities strain your eyes a lot and generate visual fatigue, redness, and headaches, I highly recommend this eye massager (ad) that I use daily (yes, I know, I spend too many hours in front of my computer!).

A little massage before bedtime brings you total relaxation, strengthens blood circulation, reduces swelling, and allows you to better resist fatigue and above all less scratching your eyes at the risk of triggering conjunctivitis.

Explore 78 Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

How to get rid of pink eye fast at home?

Conjunctivitis demands swift attention to prevent discomfort from escalating.

While eye drops are often recommended, you can enhance relief through increased hydration, cold compresses, colloidal silver drops, and even honey-water solutions.

Prompt care can prevent chronic conjunctivitis and the resulting dryness and irritation.

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Natural health is paramount to me, natural remedies have always been part of my life. Whatever the problem, I make sure to find natural solutions that can often be associated with traditional medicine. Everything I write here allows me to share them with you.

The content of this article is not intended to replace medical advice or any treatment.
Keep in mind that you should contact your doctor or any qualified healthcare professional to determine if you can add a supplement to your treatment or change your diet.

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