How to Relieve a Clogged Ear – Safe Earwax Removal

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Earwax plugs can cause discomfort and reduced hearing when there is an excessive buildup of earwax in the ear canal.

While it’s important to remove the excess wax, it’s crucial to do so safely without risking further complications.

In this article, we will provide you with natural tips to safely remove earwax plugs, minimizing the risk of infection.

Learn how to safely remove earwax plugs with natural tips, ensuring optimal ear health and comfort. Discover effective methods for gentle and effective ear care.

Precautions for dealing with earwax blockage

Before attempting any natural methods, it’s important to consider the following precautions:

  • Avoid using any natural remedies if you have an ear infection.
  • Removing excess earwax can lead to eardrum perforation, so be cautious.
  • Do not use natural remedies if you have a history of perforated eardrums.
  • In case of severe pain, consult a healthcare professional immediately.

Cleaning the ear with salt water

To clean the ear with salt water, follow these steps:

Prepare a saline solution by mixing a teaspoon of sea salt with a glass of lukewarm water.

Dip a cotton swab into the solution and gently clean the entrance of the ear canal.

Allow a few drops of the solution to enter the ear, hold your head for a few seconds, and make circular movements to distribute it deeper into the ear.

Use moderation and avoid excessive liquid in the ear.
Let gravity assist in reaching the earwax.

Ear cleaning with oxygenated water

Also known as hydrogen peroxide solution, oxygenated water can help dissolve earwax.

Follow these steps:

Ensure you have 3% oxygenated water (ad) suitable for the ear canal.

Use a cotton pad and apply a few drops of the solution into the ear.

Tilt your head and rotate it to help spread the solution deeper.

Perform this application while sitting for better results.

You may experience crackling sounds and a tingling sensation caused by the safe release of bubbles.

Ear cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

A mixture of equal parts white vinegar and isopropyl alcohol (ad) can be effective for controlling swimmer’s ear infections caused by moisture in the ear canal.

Here’s what you need to do:

Mix white vinegar and isopropyl alcohol (30% water, 70% alcohol).

Follow the same steps mentioned earlier, applying a few drops into the ear.

The warmth experienced upon contact with the alcohol will help dissolve the earwax.

Removing ear wax using olive oil

Olive oil, baby oil, or any vegetable oil can be used to remove earwax plugs.
Olive oil is commonly available and effective.

Follow these steps:

Fill a dropper bottle with oil and instill 4 to 5 drops into the ear.

Place a cotton pad to seal the ear canal.

Allow the oil to spread for a few minutes, then remove the cotton and tilt your head to let the oil drain out.

For a more intensive method, you can instill the oil and seal the ear overnight, then clean it in the morning with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice.

Massage techniques to remove an earplug

Massage can help soften the earwax plug.

Follow these steps:

  • Apply small circular movements at the base of the ear to soften the plug.
  • Gently pull the ear back, moving from the lobe to the pavilion.

Using heat to unblock the ear

It is a grandmother’s remedy but has proven its worth.

It consists of heating a damp cloth with an iron and then when it is hot, lying on its side and placing the ear on it.

Allow acting long enough for the ear cerumen to soften and then rinse your ear with lukewarm water with your shower head.

7- How to clean the ears properly?

Heat can be used to soften the earwax and facilitate unblocking.

Here’s what you can do:

– Heat a damp cloth with an iron and place it on a flat surface.

– Lie on your side and position your ear on the warm cloth.

– Allow enough time for the earwax to soften.

– Rinse your ear with lukewarm water using a showerhead.

Proper ear cleaning techniques

Regularly cleaning the ear canal helps prevent earwax plugs.

Follow these guidelines:

– Use a saline solution available at drugstores or plain water at room temperature for gentle ear hygiene.

– Remember that earwax has a protective role, and cleaning should not be excessive.

What to Avoid in Your Pharmacy

To avoid complications, refrain from using the following items:

  1. Cotton swabs: While useful for cleaning the entrance of the canal, they should never be inserted into the ear to prevent damage or infection.
  2. Ear cleaners: Tools like Q-grips may seem convenient, but they pose similar risks to cotton swabs by encouraging deep insertion, potentially causing tissue damage and infection
    Ear cleaner 
  3. Ear candles: Inserting ear candles into the ear canal, with the assumption that they will soften and remove the earwax, is dangerous.
    It can lead to contact eczema, burns, ear canal blockage, and even otitis.

ear candle danger

How to relieve a clogged ear

While earwax plugs can be bothersome, it’s important to handle your ear canal with care to avoid complications.

The natural tips provided in this article can help safely remove earwax plugs.

Remember to choose a gentle method and never be too aggressive, as the ear is a delicate organ, and earwax serves a protective role.

Prioritize your ear health and well-being.

Frequently asked questions

Does earwax blockage cause tinnitus?

Indeed, a wax plug can generate ringing and buzzing sounds similar to tinnitus.
Only the removal of earwax causing the obstruction can stop this phenomenon.

Can earwax cause hearing loss?

The obstruction of the ear canal leads inevitably to a decrease or loss of hearing in the affected ear.

Can ear wax cause vertigo?

The obstruction of the ear canal causes constant discomfort ranging from the simple sensation of a blocked ear to dizziness and disturbed balance.
A wax plug can also cause severe pain from the friction between the skin of the canal and the plug itself.
If needle peak pain occurs with each movement of the jaw, this is external otitis.

Why is my ear bleeding?

The bleeding ear, also called otorrhagia, can be the result of a large earwax plug that does not dislodge.
In the event of bleeding, discharge, fever and severe pain, it is essential to consult an ENT doctor who will rule out the possibility of a perforation of the eardrum.
In this specific case, medical consultation should be preferred without attempting any treatment at home.

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Natural health is paramount to me, natural remedies have always been part of my life. Whatever the problem, I make sure to find natural solutions that can often be associated with traditional medicine. Everything I write here allows me to share them with you.

The content of this article is not intended to replace medical advice or any treatment.
Keep in mind that you should contact your doctor or any qualified healthcare professional to determine if you can add a supplement to your treatment or change your diet.

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